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3d MAX6.0 dos渲染参数










发表于 2004-10-13 16:12:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

注意一点,命令行渲染是一个非常专业的功能,它所执行的一些操作都是不透明的。 也就是你可能根本看不到任何关于潜在错误的提示和警告,比如说会不加提示的覆盖 掉你硬盘上已经存在的文件。

具体操作可以参照 3dsmaxcmd帮助文件: 它包括了一个可以在DOS提示符下可以直接访问的帮助系统。 你可以直接在“开始菜单”的“运行“下运行如下命令: C:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -? 敲回车 系统将会把此命令的所有参数和开关以滚屏方式显示到屏幕上。 如果想查看某一个命令的详细描述,可以按如下方法: 3dsmaxcmd.exe文件同样对于大部分命令有着详细的解释和介绍。 打开一个DOS窗口: 输入如下命令: c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd –x 回车 来设置最简单的渲染; 在这种最简单的模式下,按如下方式可以按照原MAX文件已设好的参数进行渲染:

打开DOS窗口:输入如下命令: c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myscene.max 回车。 例如:要渲染一个800*600尺寸的JPG文件。 可能当你最后一次渲染这个场景时,你已经把输出设置设为320*240,BMP格式,但 现在你可以通过简单的命令行参数直接改变这些参数并重新渲染。 打开DOS窗口:输入如下命令: c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd –outputname:C\3dsmax6\images\myimage.jpg –w 800 –h 600 c:\3dsmax6\scene.max 回车。

命令行的网络渲染方法: 假如你的网络系统可以互相访问,你可以进行网络分布渲染。 注意:命令行渲染任务不能在已经运行了 Backurner Server 了机器上进行。 打开DOS窗口:输入如下命令: c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd –submit c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myscene.max 回车;

例子:从一个文本文件中进行渲染。 命令行渲染可以通过执行文本文件中一系列命令开关(在“运行“窗口中可以直接运行的命令)进行渲染,或通过一个批处理文件进行一组场景的批渲染,你可以通过任何文本编辑程序建立你的文本文件; 注意:一个文本文件 只可以指定渲染单个场景,如果想渲染多个场景,需要建立批处理文件。 打开你的文本编辑软件,比如WINDOWS的记事本。 输入你要执行的命令,比如说下边这样: -bitmappath=\\mapserver\map\mymaps(指定贴图路径) -cam=mycamera(指定渲染摄像机) -width=800(指定渲染宽度) -height=600(指定渲染高度) -vfb=true -frames=all(指定渲染范围) -force2sided=true(打开强制双面显示) 等你把所有的命令输入进去,就可以把它保存成一个文本文件(比如:myrender.txt)。 当你需要进行渲染这个场景时,在“运行“窗口中输入如下命令: c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd @c:\3dsmax6\MyRender.txt -o=c:\3dsmax6\images\MyScene.tga c:\3dsmax6\scenes\MyScene.max 并点击OK。 使用一个保存好你的习惯设置的文本文件,里边可以保存好你指定的输入格式或场景选项,这样可以在你每次需要进行渲染时直接通过使用这个文件而快速的指定相应的参数调置。你当然可以根据各种需要创建很多的不同设置的文本文件,比如用于测试的参数设置,或者用于最终渲染的参数设置。 例子:通过一个批处理文件进行渲染: 假如你通过一个批处理文件渲染多个文件,你可以创建一个包含所有你需要调定的参数的批处理文件,就文本文件一样,你可以通过任何文本编辑程序去创建它。现在做个例子,假如你有三个不同制作阶段的三个场景文件,你希望每个阶段的渲染有自己不同的设置。

打开文本编辑程序: 在第一行,输入如下文字: 这个文件离成品还很远,我想先检查一下大概的动画效果。 c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd.exe -o=c:\3dsmax6\images\Scene1.jpg -w=320 -h=240 -frame=1-33 c:\3dsmax6\scenes\Scene1.max 第二个场景已经存在,但你需要测试不同材质的效果并进行视频颜色的校正: c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd.exe -o=c:\3dsmax6\images\Scene2.jpg -w=640 -h=480 -force2Sided=true -videoColorCheck=true c:\3dsmax6\scenes\Scene2.max 第三个场景已经完成,你想通过你已经设置好的一个专门针对最终渲染的文本文件,渲染一个高精度的图像。 c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd.exe @c:\3dsmax6\FinalRender.txt -o=c:\3dsmax6\images\Scene3.jpg c:\3dsmax6\scenes\Scene3.max 写完这三行命令,你可以把你的文件保存成一个批处理文件了。 在“运行“窗口中,选择你写好的批处理,执行它。按OK,它就开始渲染了。 如果想能过命令行进行渲染,你需要对非常熟悉DOS命令并明白它的语法结构。 命令行开关: 你可以在DOS提示符下,在 3dsmaxcmd后写下后边的一些选项,或者一个文件文件中输入好的内容。 注意:开关并不十分敏感: 下边的表格会详细的介绍每个开关的格式和产生的结果。 许多重复的开关是可选可不选的,可以用空格或等于号代替,例如: c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -outputName:c:\3dsmax6\images\myImage.jpg -w:640 -h:480 c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -outputName c:\3dsmax6\images\myImage.jpg -w 640 -h 480 c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -outputName=c:\3dsmax6\images\myImage.jpg -w=640 -h=480 c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max 注意:-submit:[manager_name]这个参数是个例外,它是必须注明的。 On/off命令开关 许多时候你要用到简单的“开关“参数,这种参数的功能就是打开和关闭,像”-vfb”或”-renderfields:”,如果你喜欢也可以用0或者1来代替它们的选项,也可以用”true”或”false”。例如:想把场景渲染成一种特殊的文件类型并显示渲染时每一帧的画面,你可以按如下方式写入命令: c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -outputName=c:\3dsmax6\images\myImage.jpg -vfb=true c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max 基本设置: 参数作用部分: -? 在DOS窗口中显示当前命令的所有参数。 -x 显示某一命令行的参数列表。 -v:0 – 5 设置冗长级别,将范围设为0到5。 @你的命令文件 or –cmdfile:你的命令文件 指定一个包含有命令行参数的命令文件。 -preset:<文件名> 或者 –rps:<文件名> 使用一个参数设置文件; -script:<文件名> 使用一个脚本文件进行渲染 -bitmappath:<路径名> 指定外部贴图的路径,可以按照通用的命名法则指定多个贴图路径 -xrefpath:<路径名> 指定外部的 Xref 路径,可以按照通用的命名法则指定多个路径。 -split:<strips,overlap> 分离式渲染:

渲染参数: 注意:任何带有奇偶开关的命令参数,都可以用0,1,true或false来代表。

参数功能: -outputname:<文件名> 或 –<文件名> 指定渲染输出文件名或格式。 -camera:<字符串名> 或 –cam:<字符串名> 指定需要渲染的摄像机名。 -width:<一个整数> 或 –w:<整数> 指定渲染图像的宽度。 -height:<整数> 或 –h:<整数> 指定渲染图像的高度。 -pixelAspect:<数值> 指定像素比例值。 -start:<整数> 指定渲染范围的起始帧。 -end:<整数> 指定渲染范围的结束帧。 -nthframe:<整数> 指定每融多少帧渲染一帧。 -frames:<字符串> 指定一个帧列表:例如: (1,3,5-12)或者全部。 -gammaCorrect:1或0 指定是否打开伽玛校正,1代表打开,0代表关闭。 -gameavalueIn:<数值> 指定伽玛的输入值。 -gamavalueOut:<数值> 指定伽玛的输出值。

渲染标记:(1代表打开,0代表关闭) -showVFB:1或0 , 或者 –vfb:1 或0 确定是否打开渲染监视窗。 -skipRenderFrames:1或0 确定是否跳过已经存在的图像文件(不跳过则覆盖)。 -videoColorCheck:1或0 确定是否进行视频色彩校正。 -force2Side: 确定是否打开强制双面显示。 -renderHidden: 是否渲染隐藏物体。 -atmosphereics: 是否渲染大气效果。 -superBlack: 是否使用超级黑。 -renderFields: 是否带场输出。 -fieldOrder: even或者odd 如果带场输出,even代表上场,odd代表下场。 -displacements: 是否使用置换贴图进行渲染。 -effects: 是否打开渲染效果。 -ditherpalette: 是否使用输出色彩抖动(色板)。 -dithertrueColor: 是否使用输出色彩拌动(真彩)。










 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-13 16:13:00 | 显示全部楼层
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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-13 16:14:00 | 显示全部楼层
Command-Line Rendering The command-line rendering tool lets you perform batch rendering jobs without having to manipulate parameters by hand in a MAX file. Simple, “one-shot” rendering jobs can be submitted from the Start > Run dialog. More elaborate, batched jobs can be rendered through the use of text files; for example, MyRender.bat or MyRender.xml. The ability to edit text files is what provides the power to this tool. You can quickly make changes to your rendering parameters, or output formats, simply by opening your text editor and editing the batch settings.

Command-line rendering is provided by the 3dsmaxcmd.exe program, found in your \3dsmax6 folder.

You can submit command-line rendering jobs that are rendered on a single workstation, or you can take advantage of network rendering and send the job to multiple systems.

Warning: Command-line rendering is a professional feature and can perform destructive operations. You will not see messages or warning dialogs informing you about potential mistakes, such as overwriting an existing frame on your drive.

Procedures To view the 3dsmaxcmd help file:

The 3dsmaxcmd.exe file contains a built-in help system that you can access from a command prompt.

Open a command prompt window (for example, Windows Start > Run).

Enter the following:

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -? and press ENTER.

The list of switches and options will scroll on to the window.

To view a list of sample command lines with descriptions of what they d

The 3dsmaxcmd.exe file also has an extensive list of sample text strings that describe many of the most common scenarios you'd use command-line rendering to accomplish.

Open a command prompt window.

Enter the following:

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -x and press ENTER.

Setting up the simplest rendering:

In its simplest form, just a render command using all the settings that are stored with a scene, would look like this:

Open a command prompt window.

Enter the following:

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max and press ENTER.

Example: Rendering to a JPG file at 800x600 resolution:

Perhaps the last time you rendered your scene, you had the output resolution set to 320x240 and rendered a BMP file. Re-rendering the scene using different output settings is fast and efficient with command-line rendering.

Open a command prompt window.

Enter the following:

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -outputName:c:\3dsmax6\images\myImage.jpg -w 800 -h 600 c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max and press ENTER.

Network rendering from the command line:

If you have your system networked and have access to other systems, you can take advantage of network rendering.

Note: A command-line job cannot be run on a system already running the backburner server.

Open a command prompt window.

Enter the following:

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -submit c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max and press ENTER.

Example: Rendering from a text file:

Command-line rendering gives you the ability to set a series of common switches that can be quickly re-used for rendering a single job from Start > Run, or for rendering a group of scenes specified in a BAT file. You can build your text file using any text editor.

Note: A TXT file can specify only a single scene to render. For multiple scenes, use a BAT file.

Open your text editor.

Enter your list of commands, such as:

-bitmapPath=\\mapServer\maps\myMaps -cam=myCamera -width=800 -height=600 -vfb=true -frames=all -force2Sided=true Once all the switches are entered, save the files as a TXT file, such as MyRender.txt.

To render the scene, open the Windows Start > Run dialog.

Enter the following:

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd @c:\3dsmax6\MyRender.txt -o=c:\3dsmax6\images\MyScene.tga c:\3dsmax6\scenes\MyScene.max and click OK.

Using a TXT file that contains your favorite settings, in conjunction with a command line that specifies the output file format and scene of your choice, gives you the flexibility to re-use the TXT file without having to edit it each time you want to render. You can create several TXT files with settings for different stages of scene development, such as TestRender.txt or FinalRender.txt.

Example: Rendering from a BAT file:

If you want to render several scenes in a batch process, you can create a BAT file containing all the scenes and switches needed to get the results you want. Just like a text file, you can build your BAT file using any text editor. For this example, let's say you have three scenes, in various stages, and you want each rendered using different settings.

Open your text editor.

On the first line, enter the following text. This example assumes that the scene is far from finished, but that you want to test a chunk of animation.

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd.exe -o=c:\3dsmax6\images\Scene1.jpg -w=320 -h=240 -frame=1-33 c:\3dsmax6\scenes\Scene1.max The second scene is almost ready, but you need to test the look of some materials and do a video color check:

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd.exe -o=c:\3dsmax6\images\Scene2.jpg -w=640 -h=480 -force2Sided=true -videoColorCheck=true c:\3dsmax6\scenes\Scene2.max The last scene is complete, and you want to render a higher-resolution image using settings you've saved in a TXT file that you always use for final renderings:

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd.exe @c:\3dsmax6\FinalRender.txt -o=c:\3dsmax6\images\Scene3.jpg c:\3dsmax6\scenes\Scene3.max After entering these three command lines, save your file as a BAT file.

From the Windows Start > Run dialog, browse to the BAT file and click Open.

Click OK to start rendering.

See also Command-Line Rendering Switches



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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-13 16:15:00 | 显示全部楼层
Command-Line Rendering Switches In order to use command-line rendering, you should be familiar with DOS and understand the structure of command lines.

Command-Line Switches You can use the following switches after 3dsmaxcmd on the command line of a command prompt window, or as entries in a text file. The following tables show switches and their effects.

Note: Switches are not case sensitive.

Separators Many switches are displayed in the following charts with trailing colons, such as -w: or -h:. The use of a colon separator is optional, and can be replaced with a space or an equal sign (=). Therefore, command lines such as:

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -outputName:c:\3dsmax6\images\myImage.jpg -w:640 -h:480 c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -outputName c:\3dsmax6\images\myImage.jpg -w 640 -h 480 c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -outputName=c:\3dsmax6\images\myImage.jpg -w=640 -h=480 c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max will give you the same results. The use of the equal sign can give your command-line files more of an INI file appearance.

Note: The switch -submit:[manager_name] is the only case where a colon is necessary.

On/Off Command-Line Switches Many of the switches you'll use are simple on/off toggles, such as the -vfb: or -renderFields: switches. If you prefer, instead of using a 1 or 0 to designate their states, you can also use True or False. For example, to render a scene to a specified file type and display the Rendered Frame Window, your command line might look like this;

c:\3dsmax6\3dsmaxcmd -outputName=c:\3dsmax6\images\myImage.jpg -vfb=true c:\3dsmax6\scenes\myScene.max

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-10-13 16:16:00 | 显示全部楼层
Basic Options Switch Effect -? Displays a list of these switches in the DOS window. -x Shows a list of example command lines. -v:0–5 Sets the verbosity level. Range is 0 to 5. @command_file or -cmdfile:command_file Points to a separate file containing command-line options. -preset:<filename> or -rps:<filename> Uses a render preset file where <filename> is the name of the preset file. -script:<filename> Uses a pre-render script where <filename> is the name of the script file. -bitmapPath:<pathname> Provides an extra bitmap path. Multiple paths can be entered and UNC naming conventions can be used. -xrefPath:<pathname> Lets you specify extra XRef paths. Multiple paths can be entered and UNC naming conventions can be used. -split:<strips, overlap> Split render; number of strips, overlap amount.

Render Parameters Note: Any command-line switches that are on/off toggles can be switched by entering either 1, 0, on or off.

Switch Effect -outputName:<filename> or -<filename> Sets an output file name and format. -camera:<string> or -cam:<string> Specifies a camera name. -width:<integer> or -w:<integer> Sets the output width in pixels. -height:<integer> or -h:<integer> Sets the output height in pixels. -pixelAspect:<number> Sets the pixel aspect ratio. -start:<integer> Sets the rendering sequence start frame. -end<integer> Sets the rendering sequence end frame. -nthFrame<integer> Sets the Every Nth Frame value. -frames<string> Lets you specify a frame list; for example, (1,3,5-12) or all. -gammaCorrect:1 or 0 Toggles gamma correction. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -gammavalueIn:<number> Sets the Input Gamma value. -gammavalueOut:<number> Sets the Output Gamma value.

Render Flags Switch Effect -showVFB:1 or 0 or -vfb:1 or 0 Toggles the Rendered Frame Window. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -skipRenderFrames:1 or 0 Toggles Skip Existing Images. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -videoColorCheck:1 or 0 Toggles Video Color Check. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -force2Sided:1 or 0 Toggles Force 2-Sided. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -renderHidden:1 or 0 Toggles Render Hidden. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -atmospherics:1 or 0 Toggles Atmospherics. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -superBlack:1 or 0 Toggles Super Black. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -renderFields:1 or 0 Toggles Render Fields. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -fieldOrder:even or odd Toggles Field Order. Default=”Odd”. -displacements:1 or 0 Toggles Displacement Mapping. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -effects:1 or 0 Toggles Render Effects. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -ditherPalette:1 or 0 Toggles Output Dithering (paletted). “1”=On, “0”=Off. -ditherTrueColor:1 or 0 Toggles Output Dithering (true-color). “1”=On, “0”=Off.

backburner Job Submission Switch Effect -submit <filename> Submits the scene <filename> for network rendering. -submit:[manager_name] <filename> Submits the scene, <filename> to a specific manager system for network rendering. Note: This is the only switch that requires a colon separator. -port:<integer> Specifies a manager port number. -netmask Lets you specify a network mask, other than -jobName:<string> Lets you specify a job name to render. -priority<integer> Sets job priority. -suspended:1 or 0 Toggles initially suspended. “1”=Yes, “0”=No. -writeJobfile:<filename> Writes all job settings to an XML file. -readJobfile:<filename> Reads all job settings from an XML file.

Bitmap Parameters Switch Effect -BMP_TYPE:2 or 8 Sets the type of BMP file being rendered. “2”=paletted, “8”=true 24-bit. -JPEG_QUALITY:1 to 100 Sets the JPG quality value. Ranges from 1 to 100. -JPEG_SMOOTHING:1 to 100 Sets the JPG smoothing value. Ranges from 1 to 100. -TARGA_COLORDEPTH:16, 24 or 32 Sets the color depth for TGA files. -TARGA_COMPRESSED:1 or 0 Toggles TGA Compression. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -TARGA_ALPHASPLIT:1 or 0 Toggles TGA Alpha Split. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -TARGA_PREMULTALPHA:1 or 0 Toggles TGA Pre-Multiplied Alpha. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -TIF_TYPE:0, 1, 2 or 3 Sets the TIF type. “0”=mono, “1”=color, “2”=logl, “3”=logluv. -TIF_ALPHA:1 or 0 Toggles TIF file Alpha. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -TIF_COMPRESSION:1 or 0 Toggles TIF Compression. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -TIF_DPI:<number> Sets the dots-per-inch value for TIF files.

For each of the following -RLA_xxxx switches, there is a corresponding -RPF_xxxx option.

Switch Effect -RLA_COLORDEPTH:8, 16 or 32 Sets the RLA color bitdepth. -RLA_ALPHA:1 or 0: Toggles RLA Alpha. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -RLA_PREMULTALPHA:1 or 0 Toggles RLA Premultiplied Alpha. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -RLA_DESCRIPTION:<string> Lets you specify an RLA description (in quotes). -RLA_AUTHOR:<string> Lets you specify an RLA author name (in quotes). -RLA_ZCHANNEL:1 or 0 Toggles RLA Z-Depth Channel. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -RLA_MTLIDCHANNEL:1 or 0 Toggles RLA Material Effects Channel. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -RLA_NODEIDCHANNEL:1 or 0 Toggles RLA Object Channel. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -RLA_UVCHANNEL:1 or 0 Toggles RLA UV Coordinates Channel. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -RLA_NORMALCHANNEL:1 or 0 Toggles RLA Surface Normals Channel. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -RLA_REALPIXCHANNEL:1 or 0 Toggles RLA Non-Clamped Color Channel. “1”=On, “0”=Off. -RLA_COVERAGECHANNEL:1 or 0 Toggles RLA Coverage Channel. “1”=On, “0”=Off.

The following -RPF_xxxx switches do not have corresponding -RLA_xxxx options.

Switch Effect -RPF_NODERENDERIDCHANNEL Turns on RPF Node Render ID Channel. -RPF_COLORCHANNEL Turns on RPF Color Channel. -RPF_TRANSPCHANNEL Turns on RPF Transparency Channel. -RPF_VELOCCHANNEL Turns on RPF Velocity Channel. -RPF_WEIGHTCHANNEL1 or 0 Turns on RPF Sub-Pixel Weight Channel. -RPF_MASKCHANNEL Turns on RPF Sub-Pixel Mask Channel.


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